About me

Thank you Tony Stark… I mean, Iron Man


I am working on NLP problems now. Feel free to contact me via wechat: 547160794. I am open to make friends with you. :D

Natural Language Processing(e.g. Dialogue system, question answering, LLM-based things(like agent) etc.) & its applications in Education and Marketing(Advertising).

Things about Education, Healthcare, Economy and Marketing are also interesting to me:).

I’d like to live a vigorous life even ending with dying poorly.


Enable Humanity


The only thing that I want to do is to help me and people around me become better


Honesty Nature


Who moved my cheese

Recent news

I am currently exploring new applications of NLP, especially those related to LLMs, with a particular focus on the areas of psychology, education, economics, marketing, as well as agents and collaboration. I’m also open to ideas in other areas, so feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts

Professional Service

  • Conference reviewer
    • ACL
    • AACL
    • EMNLP
  • Shared task holder

Current Highlights

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